
Showing posts from 2015


Thanks for being my sleepless nights -Nights disguised as cloud-nine flights. Thanks for being my gleeful days -Days deceiving me in lovely ways. Thanks for being my beguiling dreams -Dreams I have as the moonlight gleams. Thanks for being my spellbinding reveries -Reveries filled with soothing flatteries. Thanks for being my overnight shows -Shows to last until the sunshine glows. Thanks for being my soulful cheers -Cheers so loud that no one hears. A tale full of twists and turns Thanks a ton for your sweet concerns. A theft of a heart so silly yet kind -That left me with a wandering, li'l mind. -Dash

Love Tale

The gates to her heart Were guarded by fears.. A river flowing inside Of remorse and tears.. Darkness and despair Had immured the lass.. Neither joy nor goodwill Could ever trespass! She stopped looking for light, And started being one.. Coveted by the moon, And envied by the sun.. Though one fine day She longed for a scope As an intruder came-in With a slight ray of hope.. He brought a key along For her liberty's sake Broke open the filthy lock And had her dreams awake! "You're mine" as he whispered, With his unconditional love.. He took flight for the cloud nine With his sweet little dove.. For eternity and beyond They vowed to stay together The tale had just began To have lasted just forever..! -Dash